Mirari Damask Rose Gin 43%
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Delight your senses with the whimsical flair of a florally-fragrant pink gin.
A signature botanical gin with floral bouquet notes, immediately followed by the candied citrus notes of grapefruit, all underpinned by cardamom and piney resinous flavours of juniper berries, with a layered juniper and floral rose finish.
Our Mirari Pink Gin is distilled with over 1000 Damask Roses per 500l batch of Gin that we craft, and naturally coloured through the infusion of Hibiscus.
So not only is it delicious, it’s also sugar free, gluten free and vegetarian friendly, with no artificial flavourings or colourings.
Juniper, coriander, angelica root, lemon, grapefruit, liquorice root, cardamom, cubeb berries, cassia bark, orris root, chamomile, damask roses and rose water.
35ml Mirari Pink Gin
20ml lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
10ml simple syrup
Rose' Champagne
Pomegranate rubies to garnish
- Combine the gin, lemon juice and simple syrup into a cocktail shaker.
- Top the shaker with ice.
- Shake well.
- Strain into a coupe or champagne flute.
- Top with Champagne.
- Garnish with pomegranate rubies.
To make the simple syrup: Combine equal parts sugar and water in a small saucepan. Warm over medium heat, whisking occasionally, just until the sugar has melted into the water. Remove from heat. Allow to cool. Store in fridge for up to 4 weeks.
- You can use any Champagne, but considering that most of the drink is made up with bubbly, a quality Champagne will make a difference.
- For a variation, use grapefruit juice instead of lemon juice.
- If you don't have a cocktail shaker, you can use a jam jar with a lid.